- The brief shot of a man falling from a building is from the scene I was present for, which features Matt Damon, Martin Sheen and (I think) Ray Winstone. I worked quite a bit less than on War of the Worlds (an hour on set, six waiting around), was used for only a few setups, and will likely be hidden behind an ambulance in the final cut. But I got to watch Scorsese direct for an hour. So I got that going for me. Which is nice.
- "Brutal violence...strong sexual content...pervasive language" - good lord, I'm in a hard R!
In any case, this looks like classic Scorsese. I can't wait for it to come out in October and receive lukewarm reviews.
- Speaking of The Departed (and Infernal Affairs), I recently named Christopher Doyle one of the best cinematographers around. Unfortunately, he's also kind of a dick.
- And Mel Gibson is a huuuge dick.
- Read CHUD's interview with Brett Ratner. Pay particular attention to Ratner's comments about why X3 outgrossed Superman Returns. Weep.
- Alex Jackson's take on Eyes Wide Shut. I agree with half of his ideas and disagree with the other half. Try to guess which!
- Wiley Wiggins has a blog - and he's awesome!
- Hearts on fire, burning, burning with desire for the steel.
Films watched this week:
Mad Dog and Glory 7
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 9
The Devil Wears Prada 5
The Goonies 8
Miami Vice 8
Final Destination 3 7
Fright Night 9
Harry and the Hendersons 5
Friday the 13th Part 3 6
1 comment:
I'm with you on Wiggins blog- really well put together over all, and it's cool to see that he's just as smart as you would think the guy who starred in Waking Life would be.
I got so excited when I saw that Alex Jackson put a new review up (they've been somewhat sparse lately), but then I felt like an ass because I still haven't seen Eyes Wide Shut. Kubrick's one of my favorites, but I still haven't finished the whole filmography... shame on me, I know.
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