Yesterday I woke with a strange urge to drive to Video Stop in Bennington. It's one of those mom-and-pop places that has been open for a few decades, and they've surmounted a pretty impressive selection in that time. My intention was to rent the three
Jaws sequels for a marathon (expect reviews soon). While the store clerk was looking for their copy of
Jaws 3-D, I glanced at the "Used - For Sale" rack. And there it was, just sitting there.
The Peanut Butter Solution. Four dollars.
So here's the deal: this Wednesday at 8PM, we will be screening this mid-80's nightmare at our apartment for all interested parties. Feel free to pass word around - I'd love to have a crowded living room for this. All are welcome (please bring food, we'll be serving something or other as well). Leave me a comment here to RSVP - hope to see you there.
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